ARC Research Network in Microarray Technology (2004)

The primary aim of this proposal is to transform the premier genomic technology into a standard research tool; microarrays are now a priority for anyone studying the genetics underlying key biological processes. A principal challenge for the Australian research community is to capture all aspects of microarray technology and make them readily available. We will address these needs by developing a network to: -establish regular research meetings, -facilitate training in array methodologies and bioinformatics, -co-ordinate innovation of technologies,-provide centralised data warehousing, -provide access to automated high-level gene annotation, -provide data mining tools, -set standards for data management and exchange
Grant type:
ARC Seed Funding for Research Networks
  • Professor
    Mater Research Institute-UQ
    Faculty of Medicine
  • Deputy Director (Research)
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Deputy Director (Research)
    Queensland Brain Institute
  • Professor
    School of Mathematics and Physics
    Faculty of Science
    School of Mathematics and Physics
    Faculty of Science
Funded by:
Australian Research Council