Molecular Cell Biology and Comparative Genomics Of Planctomycetes and Verrucomicrobia In Relation To Evolution Of Cytoskeletal Proteins and Membrane-bounded Compartments (2004–2006)

Planctomycetes and verrucomicrobia are evolutionarily distinct groups of bacteria which possess unusual cell structure and which share some significant genes important in cell biology with eukaryotes e.g. in verrucomicrobia the cytoskeleton protein tubulin. These bacteria are important for understanding the transition from non-nucleated cells with simple cell division to nucleated cells with chromosome separation via cytoskeletal protein movement.The project will compare genomes of of planctomycetes and verrucomicrobia to determine their relationship determine whether the tubulin homolog of verrucomicrobia can form cytoskeleton structures and characterize the cytoskeleton of ammonium-oxidizing planctomycetes used in wastewater treatment.
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Projects
Funded by:
Australian Research Council