The National Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility (ARC LIEF Grant administered by UWA) (2012–2013)

Soil behaviour is stress dependent and requires enhanced gravity levels to ensure correct scaling between large geotechnical structures and small laboratory models. A geotechnical beam centrifuge, 10 m in diameter and capable of rotating 2400 kg of soil at 100 g, will provide Australia¿s outstanding geotechnical research groups, including the recently established ARC CoE for Geotechnical Science and Engineering, with world leading physical modelling capabilities. The national facility will underpin Australia¿s energy, mineral and transport infrastructure developments, estimated at $250B over the next five years, through accurate model testing of offshore foundations, slopes, tunnels, mine wastes and ground improvement techniques.
Grant type:
ARC LIEF Collaborating/Partner Organisation Contributions
  • Senior Lecturer
    School of Civil Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
  • Professor
    School of Civil Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
The University of Queensland