Educating for healthy citizens: The health work of teachers in Australian schools (2013–2015)

Schooling is at the interface of the health and education agendas for young Australians. At a time when curriculum change and student performance accountability are demanding on school and teachers' resources, schools are also being positioned as critical in the promotion of children and young people's health and well-being. This mixed-method project will examine the nature and extent of the health-related work undertaken by teachers and schools and consider the professional and personal cost/benefit of teachers undertaking this work. Consequently, it will inform education, health and industrial policies and provide direction for teachers' preparation as health workers.
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Projects
  • Professor
    Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
    Pro Vice-Chancellor (T & L)
    Office of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)
Funded by:
Australian Research Council