Responding to the challenges of identity change: An Advanced Social Identity Approach to issues of leadership, health and well-being (2012–2019)

Issues of identity are at the forefront of contemporary life. Organizations, communities, and societies are more fluid today than ever before and the challenges associated with relinquishing established social identities and developing new ones have a profound impact both on organizational functioning and on individuals¿ health and well-being. This project aims to understand the nature of this impact and to develop and assess interventions designed to ameliorate some of the negative consequences of identity loss and change. As well advancing theorizing that is central to psychological science, outcomes will inform policy and practice in areas of strategic national priority (e.g., related to issues of aging, environment, and diversity).
Grant type:
ARC Australian Laureate Fellowships
  • UQ Laureate Fellow
    School of Psychology
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
    UQ Laureate Fellow
    School of Psychology
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Funded by:
Australian Research Council