Dollars and Democracy: The dynamics of Australian political finance and its regulation (ARC Discovery Project Administered by The University of Melbourne) (2010–2012)

The financing of politics raises fundamental questions for democracy, such as political transparency, equality and liberty. These questions have assumed greater significance given growing dissatisfaction with Australia's political finance system and its increasingly anomalous, laissez-faire position amongst comparable democracies. This interdisciplinary project will study the dynamics of Australian political finance and its regulation by assessing these against empirical data and democratic principles. By employing a range of research techniques, it will generate explanatory models for these dynamics, draw out their significance for Australian electoral democracy as well as produce a detailed evaluation and recommend reform proposals.
Grant type:
University of Melbourne
  • Professor
    School of Law
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
    School of Law
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Funded by:
The University of Melbourne